About GovEx
GovEx helps governments use data and evidence to improve residents’ lives. We support governments in building their internal capacity to operate sustainable analytics practices which improve community outcomes in fields from public safety to economic development. GovEx has a proven track record of working in concert with partners to provide technical assistance and training at scale.
Since our launch in April 2015, GovEx has:
Trained over 2,000 government employees in person and online in topics including data management, performance management, open data, community engagement, and analytics
Provided technical assistance to more than 100 local governments across the globe, improving their use of data to achieve efficiencies in service delivery and better outcomes for residents
Assessed the capacity of more than 130 governmental organizations to determine how leaders, staff, and external stakeholders manage and use data.
Local governments are increasingly on the front lines of addressing large scale problems with global implications, such as climate change, public safety, and economic inequality.
While evidence-based interventions to help solve those problems are available, local government staff have limited time and capacity to find and implement research-based solutions. As a result, cities continue to work the way they always have -- making incremental improvements to programs but not always creating change at a system-level.
Through resource development and collaboration with JHU faculty, GovEx is supporting city leaders in using data and evidence to make decisions and creating lasting relationships with researchers.
The Roadmap was developed by GovEx as part of its partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies' What Works Cities initiative.